Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Should the Nurse Who Refused To Wear Masks Be Fired?


What a controversial issue! First, I thought she was fired for refusing the flu shot. But when I read the article, it said she was fired for non-compliance with her hospital's policy of wearing a mask if you refuse the flu shot. It makes sense if you put it that way. On the other hand, it is very difficult to work with a masks on all the time. My patients can't even hear me with them on, especially if you're soft spoken and your patient is hard of hearing. Do you think requiring the employees to wear a mask is a way to get you to take the flu shot? Let us know what you think?

Are You Feeling the Changes Yet?


Every year I set aside money to my FSA (Flexible Spending Account). I really think I save a lot in taxes by putting money into it. So, I wasn't happy  to find out it is now limited to $2,500/annually. That's is just a minor change that has taken effect so far. I found this article that outlines what we expect to see.Did you know breast pump is now a covered DME?  Surprise, surprise! I wonder though if this will keep patient longer in the hospital because they are waiting for an authorizations to come through for their pumps? What do you think?