Friday, December 27, 2013

The Telecommuting Telenurse

You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by a researcher from Western Governors University.  Olivia Johnson RN, BSN, CCM is conducting research to evaluate the perceptions of registered nurses with regard to employment conducted at home as a tele-healthcare provider, as well as circumstances or perceptions regarding social, professional, and scholarly isolation in this position. 
To qualify, the nurse must have had recent, or current, employment as a Registered Nurse, that takes place within their home > 50% of the work week, and not provide hands-on care to patients.  For example, 50% of work at home with 50% of work in an office would qualify, but 50% of work at home and 50% providing hands-on patient care as a home health care nurse, would not. 
To participate, all that is required is signing the Informed Consent form (attached), and completing the attached survey describing your opinions on the questions asked.  It may take approximately 10 minutes of your time, but the more thorough the answers, the better for the study.
The results of your completed survey will be kept confidential.  To complete this survey, simply click “enable editing” (if that phrase appears at the top of your document) type in your responses, and save it with any name you would like.  The completed surveys will be printed and the emails with which they were sent will be deleted right away.  The survey will be assigned a number and no identifiable features of the sender will be documented. 
If you would like to participate, please see the following requests:
Please submit the completed survey along with the informed consent form by Wednesday, 01/01/2014 to
Please complete the survey outside of your hours of employment
Please complete each question as thoroughly as you are able, as your subjective responses are valuable to the research
Finally, please contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments at any time via the email address above. 

Your responses may be very valuable to the growth and enhancement of positions in nursing that take place at home.  Your input and time is greatly appreciated!

Please click here to download the Informed Consent Form  and Click here to download the Survey

Monday, December 16, 2013

Take Action Today!

I urge you to contact your legislator to support The Opportunity Plan- Check out this link to learn more on how you can help support this important public policy- Visit our Public Policy Page to learn about some of the Public Policies that CMSA are involved in.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

President Obama signed the Epipen Law

I have been following this for months when it was first introduced and I am glad to see it passed. It's about time we protect all children. You can never tell what your allergies are until it happens to you. When my child had an allergic reaction to an ice cream covered with peanuts, I was in panic. He had scraped the peanuts off because he preferred it plain. With one lick his throat started itching, his eyes and lips started swelling. Luckily, a dose of Benadryl helped with his symptoms, imagine what a whole peanut could have done. I think they could expand this law to include other organizations as well who are involved in youths, such as scouting events for example, or youth camps.

Public Policy Web Page Coming Soon!

CMSA LI is dedicated in educating it's members on healthcare issues including Public Policy. Because of this CMSA LI is in the process of developing this exciting web page on Public Policy. We ask for your patience during this time. If you would like to be involved in it's developing stage please don't hesitate to contact our Committee Chair at Thank you!