Saturday, December 31, 2011

A look Back at 2011
The year 2011 has brought a lot of surprises. This was a year full of changes. While I was reading this article, it made me think of what changes I had to get used to in 2011. I think the biggest for me was the implementation of face to face encounter.  It’s been more than six months since it was introduced but still I am finding myself explaining it to providers almost every day. It is great that we can prevent Medicare fraud. Although some providers become disinterested in home care referral because they don’t want to be bothered with forms, there are a lot more embracing the change. I like to remain proactive. I believe we are headed for the right direction. Happy New Year everyone!  Looking forward to a healthier and prosperous 2012!


  1. What a beautiful optimistic sentiment for 2012. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Face to Face. At our facility, the Home Care Liaisons are currently responsible for the Face to Face forms and it is a challenge to get the physicians to complete the form, especially in the Emergency Room. You are so right about embracing change as health care will continue to provide us with opportunities and challenges. Case Managers will increasingly be in the limelight with Health Care Reform; 2012 will be our time to shine!

  2. Thank you for sharing your proactive approach and belief that we are headed in the right direction. The article by Kathleen Sebelius was also informative and enlightening. In home care we are also experiencing the effects of untimely completion of the Face to Face Encounter forms. Thank you for persevering in the inpatient setting to assist us in the home care setting. The goal: prevent re-hospitalization.

  3. Thank you cococox and mchuccm for your comments. As Case Managers/Discharge Planners, we have to adhere to Case Management Standards of ensuring that the patient is transfered to an appropriate setting in a timely and complete way (obtaining Face to Face as needed). In addition, providing documentation of collaboration and communication between providers of care.

  4. Thank you for recognizing the importance of stress reduction in very intense field of practice. Keeping it simple and maintaining balance in our lives goes a long way.
